Over 80% of the population in our country resides in semi-urban and rural geographies. The quality of life remains sub-optimal due to lack of basic hygiene and access to drinking water. Individuals are forced to divert their earnings and personal savings towards hospitalisation/medical treatment caused due to improper sanitation standards.
The Bargach Foundation has been set up with the objective of bettering the lives of individuals from the weaker sections of society. Bargach Foundation works closely not only towards the development of the rural India but also with them and around them so that people of our own country can build a healthy environment for themselves and their families. The Foundation has been helping people to understand the need for proper sanitation and drinking water besides assisting them to develop certain skillsets or enhancing them while adding value to their families.
Three critical areas have been identified that the Foundation will focus on :
Drinking water
Skill upliftment
The Foundation works in the semi-urban and rural geographies in Eastern and North East India. We educate and assist identified individuals in undertaking projects linked to these focus areas. Bargach Foundation also partners with like-minded entities having similar objectives for training, credit facilities etc.